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Opening Ceremony

Writer's picture: dunblanelikhubuladunblanelikhubula

The new toilets at Nansato Primary School were officially opened on Thursday 24th July in a ceremony involving the Likhubula Community as well as the contractors who constructed the toilets on our behalf.

The steering committee sent us the following report:

We are very glad that we had a successful toilets launching ceremony. All chiefs of Likhubula community, Primary Education Advisor for Chambe Zone, Political & religious leaders, school management committee and parents teachers’ association members as well as parents were present. The guest of honour was the Primary Education Advisor Mr. Namakhula.

All these people are impressed with these new toilets. They have added the beauty of the school.

Many special words of thanks were extended. Indeed you have done a commendable job.

Chiefs as well as school committee members have promised to take part in looking after the toilets in order to last longer. Both teachers and learners too solemnly promised to take much care of the toilets.

The message we had sent with our good wishes was also read out, in both English and Chichewa:

Greetings to you from Scotland, which this week is hosting the Commonwealth Games with visitors from across the world. Unusually we are enjoying some great sunshine - it feels a little like Malawi here today! We are very pleased to have been able to work with the contractors and the local community to help provide these new toilets for Nansato school. In our partnership Education plays a very important part and our work since 2005 to bring clean water, Mary's Meals and now new toilets to the school community is an important expression of this. These are the elements that help teachers to teach and learners to learn. We commend these toilets to your care. Please look after them well! We will be thinking of you as you hold your special ceremony. God bless you all.

“Landirani moni kuchokera ku Scotland kumene sabata ino kukuchitika masewero a Commonwealth ndi alendo ochokera madera osiyanasiyana a dziko lapansi. Panopa tikusangalala ndi dzuwa lomwe siliwoneka kawirikawiri, tikuwona ngati tili ku Malawi.

Tikusangalala kuti takwanitsa kugwira ntchito ndi womanga zimbuzi, anthu akudera la Likhubula, pomanga zimbuzi zatsopano pa sukulu ya Nansato.

Maphunziro ndi gwero limodzi lomwe likulimbikitsa ubwenzi wathu kuchokera mu chaka cha 2005.

Takwanitsa kubweretsa Madzi aukhondo ammipope pa sukulu ndi dera lodzungulira, Phala kwa ophunzira ndi panopa zimbuzi zatsopano.

Izi ndi zipangizo zomwe zimathandiza kuphunzitsa ndi kuphunzira moyenerera.

Tikutsiya chisamaliro cha zimbuzi izi m`manja mwanu. Chonde zisamalireni bwino”.

Tikufunirani zabwino zonse pamene mukuchita mwambo wapaderawu.

Mulungu akudalitseni nonse."

The committee have also suggested painting a mural on the side of the new toilets, in a similar way as was done for the Marys Meals kitchen many years ago, to mark the fact the toilets are there through the work of the partnership. The Dunblane steering committee are very supportive of this idea, and even more so given the Likhubula Committee have taken the lead on this. We look forward to finding out more...

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