Marys Meals
In (2006) the Dunblane community became aware of a critical food shortage in the Likhubula area. Attendance at school had fallen dramatically and malnutrition was evident.
The partnership contacted Marys Meals in Scotland pledging to raise the funds required to build a kitchen and to provide on-going support for the feeding programme. The message was simply- we can feed a child for a year for around £6.
An immediate appeal was raised with support from the congregation of Dunblane Cathedral and others in the community and the response was huge. This support is on-going to this day. On all partnership visits to Likhubula, the programme can be seen to be a proven success with over 1400 children now being fed every day. Since the introduction of Marys Meals at Nansato Primary, pupil attendance and attainment has increased measurably.
The model is simple. Fundraising is undertaken in Dunblane, Scotland. Marys Meals provide a regular supply of fortified maize. Local Malawians volunteer to run the kitchen and prepare the food daily. Simple and effective!
For more information on the work of Marys Meals, follow the link.

Child 31
Child 31 is a documentary made about the work of Marys Meals around the world. Take 30 minutes out of your day to see the real difference Marys Meals can make.
We know the difference that a daily school meal has made in Likhubula.
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